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평일 : 09:00~18:00 / 토,일, 공휴일 휴무

컨텐츠 내용

  1. 커뮤니티
  2. 수강후기


수강후기 read 페이지
제목 Anthony, you are my good teacher.
작성자 송*윤
내용 Thanks to this course, I could improve my English and have more interesting in speaking English. Especially I'd like to tell about my Enlglish teacher, Anthony. When I first met him, It was not easy to speak on the phone and tell what I have in mind. But Anthony lead me by using kindness and the textbook. He made me get used to speak English and tell him freely. As time passing, I realized I am not afraid of speaking with him. It was really good time and Anthony was good teacher. If someone read this, I recommend to choose Anthony as your English teacher. Thank you for reading.
별점 5
조회수 621
작성일 2020.11.10